Most investors suggest using a manual financial calculator aka Time Value calculator. A financial calculator allows you to create or check a note deal numbers to confirm they add up, calculate a Note Partial or Performing Note bid price. If any of the numbers are incorrect then you are missing something.
Financial Calculators are great resource to do all that, however they are confusing and limited to 1 asset. Changing the numbers on a deal could lead to having to re-enter numbers. In this 35+ minute summary overview recording, you will learn to understand all the inputs and build your own spreadsheet calculator.
Being able to have the calculation done on a spreadsheet makes changing the numbers easy! In addition we will show you how you can calculate an entire spreadsheet within seconds and find any of the normal financial calculations:
PV = Present Value ( AKA Current, Unpaid balance, Purchase Price)
I = Rate (Yield, Yield to Maturity, annual return)
NPER = Number of payments (# of months)
PMT = Amount per payment (AkA Principal and Interest, P&I)
FV = Future Value (aka Balloon amount)
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