Financial Calculator Training
Yield Calculator
& Performing Note Calculator SpreadsheetTraining
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Many investors use a HP 10bii calculator to calculate Yield however that can only run 1 asset at a time and often is confusing on how to operate. We run these calculations on a spreadsheet, which makes it quicker and easier. Being able to run a formula on a spreadsheet also gives us the ability to run calculations in bulk!
By the end of this training, you will have created your own spreadsheet which will give you the ability to calculate Yield/Interest Rate, Number of Payments, Purchase/Starting Price, Monthly Payment (Principal and Interest) and FV on any note. This will also allow you to calculate if the numbers of the note are correct. We will also be showing you how to run any of these formulas down a spreadsheet of assets to quickly determine if it is worth purchasing or not!
This training will be limited and sold out quickly so be sure Sign Up Today!!