Advanced Note Investing Training

Advanced Note Investing Training

What to Expect

Advanced Note Investing Training

Mission Statement

Our Advanced Note Investing Training will develope each investor’s note investing confidence through knowledge, experience, tools, resources and networking.

Advanced Note Investor Training is all about building confidence. Confidence is achieved by through knowledge, experience, tools, resources and networking. New Note Investors often take a beginner “Freshman” note education course or Note Investing Training and then attempt to start buying notes only to find themself lacking of confidence to close on a note. Our Advanced Note Investing Training, will provided you the confidence you need.

Note Investing Confidence

Nathan Turner and Dave Putz have over 25 years of combined experienced with Note Investing to ensure you are building confidence as an investor. We realize confidence and networking are the keys to successful investing. This intense weekly class for those who have already got a foundation of knowledge but are looking to get the level.

There is an extremely limited number of seats available so secure your spot TODAY!

*Scroll to the bottom to see the Weekly Topics and Resources.*

Advanced Note Investing Training Recommendations

This class series was perfect!  I been through other “master level” Note Investing Classes but this class surprised me on what I did not know!  In addition to the many of the tools I never had before!  Highly recommend to any Note Investor who is looking to go to the next level…

D.G. / October Class

I was concerned with the price and that I have taken other 10 week classes before but I took a chance.  I was very happily surprised at the content and the knowlege!  I am now confident to dive into any note situation I come across!

I also now have a Non-Performing Note Bid Calculator!

C.H. / October Class

After taking roughly a year off to take care of personal issues, I am looking to get back to where I want to be.

Your video lessons were the perfect lessons to get the blood flowing again and I look forward to learning more from you.

R.R. / November Class

Weekly Topics

Resources & Tools